El Tiramisu es un postre de origen italiano, que es muy popular en casi todo el mundo, concretamente en nuestro país es un postre que podemos encontrar en pastelerías y restaurantes habitualmente.
Es un postre frió que se compone de varias capas, bañadas en café, lo que hace que sea un pastel muy esponjoso y muy sabroso. No existe receta única, ya que hay muchas variantes pero siempre utilizando unos ingredientes básicos.
Tiramisu is an Italian dessert Known all over the world. We can usually find it in most of patisseries and restaurants of our country.
It´s a cold dessert with serveral layers soaked in coffee, that´s why it´s fluffy and flavorful. There isn´t an exclusive recipe for this dessert, due to existence of multiple versions but the same basic ingredients are used in all of them.
Tiramisu is an Italian dessert Known all over the world. We can usually find it in most of patisseries and restaurants of our country.
It´s a cold dessert with serveral layers soaked in coffee, that´s why it´s fluffy and flavorful. There isn´t an exclusive recipe for this dessert, due to existence of multiple versions but the same basic ingredients are used in all of them.
Es un postre con mucho éxito, por eso es ideal para nuestras comidas festivas, que todos estaréis preparando.
Yo hoy os presento mi versión, para que además de con el sabor, dejéis a vuestros invitados asombrados con la presentación.
Que no os asuste que es muy facilito y además podéis tenerlo preparado con mucha antelación, para que a la hora de la comida no os pille el toro con preparaciones de ultima hora.
You can´t go wrong with tiramisu, it´s perfect for holiday celebrations, now that we all are getting ready for Christmas.
Today I bring you my version. Your guests will be really susprised not just with its flavor but with the presentation too.
Don´t panic, it´s really simple and you can prepare everything in advance so you just have to assembly before serving it.
You can´t go wrong with tiramisu, it´s perfect for holiday celebrations, now that we all are getting ready for Christmas.
Today I bring you my version. Your guests will be really susprised not just with its flavor but with the presentation too.
Don´t panic, it´s really simple and you can prepare everything in advance so you just have to assembly before serving it.
Para la mousse de mascarpone:
55g de azúcar
1´5 hojas de gelatina (3g)
2 claras
448g queso mascarpone
For the mascarpone mousse:
4 egg yolks
55 grams sugar
1,5 gelatin sheets (3 grams)
2 egg whites
448 grams mascarpone cheese
For the mascarpone mousse:
4 egg yolks
55 grams sugar
1,5 gelatin sheets (3 grams)
2 egg whites
448 grams mascarpone cheese
Lo primero que haremos sera hidratar la gelatina en agua muy fría.
Ponemos un bowl al baño maría, con las yemas y el azúcar y batimos hasta que blanqueen.
First thing, hydrate the gelatin in cold water.
Set a double steamer with the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk until whiten them.
First thing, hydrate the gelatin in cold water.
Set a double steamer with the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk until whiten them.
Añadimos la gelatina, previamente escurrida, mezclamos hasta que se disuelva. Dejamos enfriar la mezcla 5 minutos.
Add the drained gelatin, and mix until disolved. Let it cool for 5 minutes.
Add the drained gelatin, and mix until disolved. Let it cool for 5 minutes.
Mientras la mezcla de yemas se enfría montamos las claras.
While the egg yolk mixture gets cold whip the egg whites.
While the egg yolk mixture gets cold whip the egg whites.
Batimos el mascarpone hasta que este cremoso, y vamos incorporando la mezcla de yemas.
Beat mascarpone cheese until creamy and then stir in slowly the egg yolk mixture.
Beat mascarpone cheese until creamy and then stir in slowly the egg yolk mixture.
Por ultimo añadimos las claras montadas y reservamos en una manga pastelera.
Then the whipped egg whites. Fill a pastry bag and set aside.
Then the whipped egg whites. Fill a pastry bag and set aside.
Hacemos unos moldes cilíndricos con acetato y rellenamos con la mousse.Congelamos.
Nota: Desmoldar 1 hora antes de servir y mantener en el frigorífico.
Make some cylinder shaped moulds with acetate and fill with the mousse. Freeze.
*Unmold an hour before serving, keep them in the fridge.
Make some cylinder shaped moulds with acetate and fill with the mousse. Freeze.
*Unmold an hour before serving, keep them in the fridge.
Para la gelatina de amaretto :
60g de azúcar
170g de café caliente
5 hojas de gelatina (10g)
170g de amaretto
For the amaretto gelatin:
60 grams sugar
170 grams hot espresso coffee
5 gelatin sheets ( 10 grams )
170 grams amaretto
For the amaretto gelatin:
60 grams sugar
170 grams hot espresso coffee
5 gelatin sheets ( 10 grams )
170 grams amaretto
Como ya sabéis lo primero que vamos a hacer sera hidratar la gelatina en agua muy fría.
Añadimos el azúcar al café caliente y disolvemos por completo.
As you already know, first thing, hydrate the gelatin sheets in cold water.
Add sugar to the hot coffee and dissolve completely.
As you already know, first thing, hydrate the gelatin sheets in cold water.
Add sugar to the hot coffee and dissolve completely.
Añadimos la gelatina, previamente escurrida, y disolvemos muy bien.Añadimos el amaretto.
Add the drained gelatin and dissolve. Then the amaretto.
Add the drained gelatin and dissolve. Then the amaretto.
Ponemos en una bandeja y refrigeramos.
Fill a little tray and refrigerate.
Fill a little tray and refrigerate.
Para la teja de chocolate:
28g de agua
50g de azúcar
50g de glucosa
28g de pasta de cacao
For the chocolate tuile:
28 grams water
50 grams sugar
50 grams glucose
28 grams cocoa paste
For the chocolate tuile:
28 grams water
50 grams sugar
50 grams glucose
28 grams cocoa paste
Precalentamos el horno a 180ºC.
Calentamos el agua, el azúcar y la glucosa a 154ºC.
Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
Heat the water, sugar and glucose at 154ºC.
Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
Heat the water, sugar and glucose at 154ºC.
Añadimos la pasta de cacao.
Add the cocoa paste.
Add the cocoa paste.
Estiramos lo mas fino posible sobre un silpac y horneamos entre 3-6 minutos. Dejamos enfriar y reservamos en un recipiente hermético.
Spread a layer over a silicon mat as thin as you can and bake for 3-6 minutes. Let it cool and keep it in a sealed container.
Spread a layer over a silicon mat as thin as you can and bake for 3-6 minutes. Let it cool and keep it in a sealed container.
Para el almíbar de café:
294g de café
70g de azucar
63g de amaretto
63g de ron
For the coffee syrup:
294 grams espresso coffee
70 grams sugar
63 grams amaretto
63 grams rum
For the coffee syrup:
294 grams espresso coffee
70 grams sugar
63 grams amaretto
63 grams rum
Mezclamos todo y reservamos.
Mix everything and set aside.
Para el bizcocho esponja:
150g de huevos
112g de azúcar
28g de agua
70g de harina
3g de levadura
1 pizca de sal
For the sponge cake:
150 grams egg
112 grams sugar
28 grams water
70 grams flour
3 grams baking powder
A pinch of salt
For the sponge cake:
150 grams egg
112 grams sugar
28 grams water
70 grams flour
3 grams baking powder
A pinch of salt
Precalentamos el horno a 204ºC.
Ponemos los huevos y el azúcar a batir a velocidad alta. Añadimos el agua y seguimos batiendo hasta que la mezcla este aireada y tenga un color mas claro.
Preheat the oven at 204ºC.
Beat eggs and sugar at high speed. Stir in the water and keep beating until you get a fluffy mixture with a pale colour.
Preheat the oven at 204ºC.
Beat eggs and sugar at high speed. Stir in the water and keep beating until you get a fluffy mixture with a pale colour.
Añadimos a la mezcla de huevo la harina, que previamente habremos mezclado con la levadura y la sal.
Mix together flour, baking powder and salt and add to the egg mixture.
Mix together flour, baking powder and salt and add to the egg mixture.
Engrasamos un molde o bandeja y vertemos la mezcla. Quitamos el aire dándole algunos golpes secos.
Horneamos unos 10 minutos aproximadamente. Dejamos enfriar, cortamos y empapamos con el almíbar de café.
Grease a pan or a tray and fill it with the mixture. Hit the counter with the tray several times to get rid of the air of the mixture.
Bake for 10 minutes approximately. Let it cool, cut and soak with coffee syrup.
Grease a pan or a tray and fill it with the mixture. Hit the counter with the tray several times to get rid of the air of the mixture.
Bake for 10 minutes approximately. Let it cool, cut and soak with coffee syrup.
En la base del plato damos un brochazo con un poco de chocolate derretido.
Ponemos el cilindro de mousse en el centro con algunos trozos de teja.
Ponemos un par de trozos de bizcocho empapado.
Y colocamos unos dados de gelatina.
Dab a spot of melted chocolate in the plate with a brush.
Place a mousse cilinder in the middle with tuile pieces.
Add some pieces of soaked sponge cake.
And then some gelatine cubes.
Dab a spot of melted chocolate in the plate with a brush.
Place a mousse cilinder in the middle with tuile pieces.
Add some pieces of soaked sponge cake.
And then some gelatine cubes.
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