Este mes de Mayo el reto de Bake the World es este maravilloso Pan Brié.
El pain brié es un tipo de pan tradicional de Normandia.Su nombre procede del proceso de amasado, ya que brié procede del verbo normando antiguo brier, ‘aporrear’. Su preparación incluye un largo periodo de amasado y golpeado de la masa, se hace de forma manual para dar a la miga una textura muy compacta.
This September the girls of Bake The World propose us making this wonderful Brié Bread.
Brié Bread comes from Normandia. Its name is due to the kneading process, since "brie" means "beat". The preparation includes a long perior of kneading and beating the dough, by hand, that gives the crumb a really compact texture.
This September the girls of Bake The World propose us making this wonderful Brié Bread.
Brié Bread comes from Normandia. Its name is due to the kneading process, since "brie" means "beat". The preparation includes a long perior of kneading and beating the dough, by hand, that gives the crumb a really compact texture.
Cuando lo probéis, lo repetiréis seguro, es un pan muy sabroso, tiene una miga tierna y esponjosa y una corteza fina y crujiente.A pesar del trabajo que da con el rodillo desde luego que este es uno de los panes mas exquisitos que he probado, merece la pena el esfuerzo, ya no es necesario ir al gimnasio!!! jajjajaja.
When you make this bread you just want to repeat it because it´s really tasty, with a tender pillowy crumb and crunchy thin crust. The kneading is a little bit tough but it´s totally worth it, and you can skip going to the gym today!! LOL
When you make this bread you just want to repeat it because it´s really tasty, with a tender pillowy crumb and crunchy thin crust. The kneading is a little bit tough but it´s totally worth it, and you can skip going to the gym today!! LOL