El risotto tiene su origen en Italia, donde significa arroz, el método de elaboración es diferente al que conocemos aquí en España para elaborar nuestros arroces. Básicamente es un arroz al que se le va añadiendo caldo poco a poco sin dejar de remover para que el arroz suelte el máximo de almidón y así quede muy meloso y cremoso.
Risotto comes from Italy, where it means rice, but the elaboration is not the same we are used in Spain Traditionally. It´s just a way of cooking rice by adding stock and stirring constantly, this way rice release as much starch as possible making it smooth and creamy.
Risotto comes from Italy, where it means rice, but the elaboration is not the same we are used in Spain Traditionally. It´s just a way of cooking rice by adding stock and stirring constantly, this way rice release as much starch as possible making it smooth and creamy.
Como estábamos de temporada de setas, he aprovechado para preparar este risotto con setas frescas variadas, que en casa nos gusta muchisimo. Yo he utilizado en esta ocasión, Boletus, Trompeta Amarilla y Shiimeji. Pero si por alguna razón no encontráis estas en concreto las podéis sustituir por otras que tengáis a vuestro alcance o que os gusten mas. Y fuera de la temporada de las setas frescas siempre podéis utilizar setas deshidratadas, que ya son muy fáciles de encontrar.
I took advantage of the seasonal mushroom and fungi and I prepared this wonderful risotto with a mix of fresh mushrooms. We just love it. This time I´ve used boletus, yellow trumpet and shiimeji, but you can use any kind you want. And if you can´t find seasonal mushroom you can always find them dehydrated easily.
I took advantage of the seasonal mushroom and fungi and I prepared this wonderful risotto with a mix of fresh mushrooms. We just love it. This time I´ve used boletus, yellow trumpet and shiimeji, but you can use any kind you want. And if you can´t find seasonal mushroom you can always find them dehydrated easily.
300g de arroz Carnalori
1/2 cebolla morada
1 ajo muy picadito
1 vasito de vino blanco
1 par de cucharadas de mantequilla
150g de setas variadas ( boletus, trompeta amarilla, shiimaje)
200g de gambas peladas
800g de fumet de gambas
100g de queso parmesano
300 grams carnaroli rice
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 little glass of white wine
2 Tablespoon butter
150 grams mushroom mix ( boletus, yelow trumpet, shiimaje )
200 grams peeled shrimps
800 grams shrimp fumet
100 grams parmesan cheese
300 grams carnaroli rice
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 little glass of white wine
2 Tablespoon butter
150 grams mushroom mix ( boletus, yelow trumpet, shiimaje )
200 grams peeled shrimps
800 grams shrimp fumet
100 grams parmesan cheese
Para el crujiente de parmesano:
100g de queso parmesano
For the parmesan crisp:
100 grams parmesan cheese
For the parmesan crisp:
100 grams parmesan cheese
Rallamos el queso parmesano y lo ponemos en montoncitos en una bandeja forrada con un silpat.
Grate some parmesan cheese and place little piles of it on an oven tray lined with a silicon mat.
Grate some parmesan cheese and place little piles of it on an oven tray lined with a silicon mat.
Metemos en el horno a 180º-200ºC unos minutos hasta que el queso este dorado. Retiramos del horno y dejamos enfriar. Reservamos hasta el momento del emplatado.
Cook in the oven at 180ºC-200ºC for some minutes until the parmesan turns golden. Take it out of the oven and let it cool. Set aside until the moment of the assembly.
Cook in the oven at 180ºC-200ºC for some minutes until the parmesan turns golden. Take it out of the oven and let it cool. Set aside until the moment of the assembly.
Para el risotto:
Ponemos en el fuego una sartén con 1 par de cucharadas de mantequilla. Pochamos la cebolla picadita.
For the risotto:
Heat a pan with two tablespoon of butter. Cook chopped onion until soft.
For the risotto:
Heat a pan with two tablespoon of butter. Cook chopped onion until soft.
Incorporamos el ajo picado.
Add chopped garlic.
Add chopped garlic.
Añadimos las setas, primero las que necesitan mas tiempo de cocción.
Now the mushroooms, add first the ones that have a longer cooking time.
Now the mushroooms, add first the ones that have a longer cooking time.
A continuación incorporamos el resto de setas y salteamos bien. Y salpimentamos.
Then the rest of the mushrooms and saute them. Adjust salt and pepper.
Then the rest of the mushrooms and saute them. Adjust salt and pepper.
Añadimos el arroz y rehogamos durante un minuto.
Add and lightly saute the rice for a minute.
Add and lightly saute the rice for a minute.
Mojamos con un poco de vino blanco y dejamos reducir. Dejamos evaporar el liquido sin dejar de remover, para que el arroz suelte, poco a poco, el almidón.
De-glazed the pan with white wine and reduce. Let it evaporate but keep stirring, that´s how the rice will release it starch slowly.
De-glazed the pan with white wine and reduce. Let it evaporate but keep stirring, that´s how the rice will release it starch slowly.
Una vez que el arroz a absorvido todo el vino, agregamos el fumet de gambas ( caliente) poco a poco. Removemos y dejamos evaporar. Seguimos añadiendo en 3 o 4 veces hasta que el arroz este en su punto, esto nos llevara unos 17-18 minutos. Es importante no dejar de remover para que el arroz suelte el almidón y quede cremoso.
Once rice has absorbed all the wine, add a little bit of hot shrimp fumet. Keep stirring and let it evaporate. Keep adding hot fumet, in 3 or 4 times until rice is done, it will take 17-18 minutes. It´s important stirring constantly to make rice release it starch and make it creamy.
Once rice has absorbed all the wine, add a little bit of hot shrimp fumet. Keep stirring and let it evaporate. Keep adding hot fumet, in 3 or 4 times until rice is done, it will take 17-18 minutes. It´s important stirring constantly to make rice release it starch and make it creamy.
En los últimos 2 minutos de cocción añadimos las gambas, que con el calor del arroz se cocinan perfectamente.
When there is only two minutes left for rice to be done add the shrimps, they will be perfectly cooked.
When there is only two minutes left for rice to be done add the shrimps, they will be perfectly cooked.
Retiramos del fuego, incorporamos el queso parmesano y mezclamos bien.
Turn off the heat, add parmesan cheese and mix well.
Turn off the heat, add parmesan cheese and mix well.
En el momento de servir, le ponemos unas lascas de trufa por encima.
For the assembly, top with some truffle shavings.
For the assembly, top with some truffle shavings.
Colocamos nuestro crujiente de parmesano, que teníamos reservado y unos germinados.
Place the parmesan crisp and some sprouts.
Place the parmesan crisp and some sprouts.
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