
18 de septiembre de 2014


Hoy os he preparado una receta rapidísima, pero que hará las delicias de vuestros paladares.Aprovechando que me quedaban unas frambuesas en el frigorífico he decidido preparar este rico salmorejo con ellas.

Today I bring you a really fast recipe, but it would make your mouths watering.I had some spare raspberries in the fridge so I decided to prepare this yummy "salmorejo" whith them. You were wondering what "salmorejo" is! It´s a cold tomato cream that we usually eat in summer in the South of Spain. I tell you, once you try it you couldn´t stop making it, although this is not the traditional version of it. Hope you like it.

Es un plato sencillisimo de preparar, muy rápido y que da un resultado visual muy elegante y llamativo.Os animo a que probéis a saliros del tradicional salmorejo y preparéis esta receta.

This dish is very simple to prepare, fast and with a great visual result, elegant and attractive. This is not the traditional "salmorejo" recipe, I totally recommend you to try it.

160g de frambuesas
200g de tomate
4 rebanadas de pan(para el emplatado)
Virutas de jamón ibérico (para el emplatado)
Flores comestibles (para el emplatado)
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Vinagre forum
1/2 cucharadita de jengibre molido
Agua (si lo considerais necesario)

160grams of raspberries
200grams of tomatoes
4 little slices of bread ( for garnish)
"Jamon iberico" shavings ( for garnish)
 Some edible flowers ( for garnish)
Extra virgin olive oil
A good quality wine vinegar 
A pinch of salt
1/2 tsp of grounded ginger
Some water (if it is too thick)

Lavamos los tomates y las frambuesas.Los ponemos en el vaso de la batidora junto con el resto de los ingredientes el aceite, la sal, el vinagre y el jengibre molido y trituramos.
Metemos en el frigorífico.Debe estar muy frió.

Wash the tomatoes and the raspberries.Put them in a food processor with the rest of ingredients, olive oil, salt, vinegar and ginger, and mix it well.
Put it in the fridge because it should be really cold.

Mientras preparamos las tostas de pan para emplatar, yo las toste en el horno hasta que cogieron un color dorado.Para las virutas de jamón ibérico solamente hay que picar el jamón muy finito.
En la base del plato ponemos las tostas de pan y unas virutas de jamón.Ponemos el salmorejo en una jarrita y servimos.Decoramos con flores comestibles.

Meanwhile,we are going to make the little toasts that will go whith our "salmorejo".Put the little slices of bread in the oven until they are golden and crispy.For the "jamon iberico" (cured ham) shavings,we cut the ham very thin.
Now we are going to plate our wonderful "salmorejo".Put the toasts and the ham shavings on the bottom of the plate, and serve the "salmorejo" in a little pitcher so you can add it at the same moment you are going to eat it.And garnish with some edible flowers. And that's all, hope you enjoy it!

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