Este mes de Julio las chicas de Bake the World nos han propuesto trasladarnos hasta Italia, para preparar estos deliciosos Grissinis.
Los Grissinis son un tipo de pan crocante procedentes de Italia, son finos y alargados.Son originarios de la región de Turin al norte de Italia.Este tipo de pan se considera un alimento básico de la cocina tradicional italiana.La forma de palito de pan antiguo y mas tradicional es el Robata, que en el Piamonte significa "caído", de una longitud variable desde 40 a 80 cm, y muy fácil de reconocer por los nudos característicos, debido ha que están elaborados a mano.
This July the girls of Bake the World have proposed us "a little trip to Italy". Let´s prepare these wonderful Grissini!
This typical Italian crunchy kind of bread is thin and long. It comes from Turin in the northern region of Italy. It´s an Italian cuisine basic. The most antique pencil-sized bread is Robata that in Piamonte means "fallen", with a variable length that goes from 40 cm to 80 cm, and you will recognise them because they are handformed.
This July the girls of Bake the World have proposed us "a little trip to Italy". Let´s prepare these wonderful Grissini!
This typical Italian crunchy kind of bread is thin and long. It comes from Turin in the northern region of Italy. It´s an Italian cuisine basic. The most antique pencil-sized bread is Robata that in Piamonte means "fallen", with a variable length that goes from 40 cm to 80 cm, and you will recognise them because they are handformed.
Existe mas de una leyenda que cuenta la historia de los grissinis,la mas creíble, cuenta que el panadero de la corte, Antonio Brennero ,creo los grissinis en el siglo XVII para tratar las ulceras del duque Vittorio Amedeo II.La leyenda dice que la falta de humedad en el pan generaba un efecto terapéutico efectivo para curar las ulceras del duque.
There are more than one story about grissini. But the more reliable says that the baker from Torino, Antonio Brunero, was commissioned to create something that the Duke Vittorio Amedeo, who had difficulty diggesting most foods, could digest. It´s told that the thin bread sticks were crisp and easy to digest, his creation was a great success and became really popular.
There are more than one story about grissini. But the more reliable says that the baker from Torino, Antonio Brunero, was commissioned to create something that the Duke Vittorio Amedeo, who had difficulty diggesting most foods, could digest. It´s told that the thin bread sticks were crisp and easy to digest, his creation was a great success and became really popular.